Our world is one of the different and of the many. Even the individual personality and the social self are increasingly diverse and plural. This is especially evident in racial and ethnic identities.
This is true of joint venture/s in the academic world. Interdisciplinary studies are not mere combinations of academic courses. They are, or should be, the mutual enrichment and mutual correction of disciplines.
By utilizing the Kuhnian theory of scientific revolutions but going beyond it to include the social and ecclesial contexts of theology--the broader historical and social realities neglected by Kuhn--this work contends that Latin American ...
Between pure objectivism or positivism - knowledge is what corresponds to external reality - and simple subjectivism or constructivism - knowledge is what reflects personal interests and values - "critical realism" argues that there is ...
We see, appreciate, judge from an epistemic standpoint. The acknowledgement of different epistemic standpoints is the basis for dialogue, for the respectful discussion of differences of opinion, for the legitimate clash of ideologies.
Cross-cultural studies have shown many times that the immediate benefits of Infant Massage include not only the promotion of sounder, longer sleeping patterns, but present a baby with a more overall comforted and soothed disposition.